Voice of the Shopper at Light Speed

Nov 14, 2023 1:30 PM2:30 PM EST

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Key Discussion Takeaways

When shopping online, 81% of consumers prefer to watch video reviews, while 77% search for visual product content. With video and other forms of interactive media altering the eCommerce landscape, how can you update your PDPs and content creation strategies to meet evolving customer expectations?

Shoppers respond to authentic and engaging UGC content developed by loyal customers or trusted influencers. This includes video reviews of consumers unboxing their products while demonstrating notable features and highlights. You should incorporate text into your videos to make them dynamic and interactive. Including images and videos on your PDPs cultivates consumer trust, enhances the shopping experience, and drives conversions throughout the sales funnel.

In this virtual event, Aaron Conant welcomes his guest, Kim Rayburn, a Client Engagement Advisor at Cohley, to talk about elevating the voice of the shopper. Kim shares how to incorporate the shopper’s voice in your supply chain, how to accommodate consumer demands and personalize their experiences, and strategies for optimizing your purchase funnel. 

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How to adapt PDPs to shifts in shopper behaviors 
  • Harnessing the voice of the shopper using UGC content
  • The value of image and video reviews 
  • Video’s role in the future of eCommerce
  • Strategies for accommodating consumer demands
  • How can brands optimize the purchase funnel?
  • Aligning your supply chain with the voice of the shopper
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Cohley is a content generation and testing platform that helps brands create content for social ads, email marketing, websites, and more.

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Guest Speaker

Kim Rayburn LinkedIn

Client Engagement and Advisor at Cohley

Kim Rayburn is a Client Engagement Advisor at Cohley, a content generation and testing platform that helps brands create content for social ads, email marketing, websites, and more. She is also a Principal and Consultant at Topnotch Consultancy, where she helps companies transform their sales growth strategies. With 25 years of consumer-focused experience in various global executive roles, Kim has worked in research, finance, product development, retail, and analytics.

Aaron Conant LinkedIn

Co-Founder & Managing Director at BWG Connect

Aaron Conant is Co-Founder and Chief Digital Strategist at BWG Connect, a networking and knowledge sharing group of thousands of brands who collectively grow their digital knowledge base and collaborate on partner selection. Speaking 1x1 with over 1200 brands a year and hosting over 250 in-person and virtual events, he has a real time pulse on the newest trends, strategies and partners shaping growth in the digital space.

Event Moderator

Kim Rayburn LinkedIn

Client Engagement and Advisor at Cohley

Kim Rayburn is a Client Engagement Advisor at Cohley, a content generation and testing platform that helps brands create content for social ads, email marketing, websites, and more. She is also a Principal and Consultant at Topnotch Consultancy, where she helps companies transform their sales growth strategies. With 25 years of consumer-focused experience in various global executive roles, Kim has worked in research, finance, product development, retail, and analytics.

Aaron Conant LinkedIn

Co-Founder & Managing Director at BWG Connect

Aaron Conant is Co-Founder and Chief Digital Strategist at BWG Connect, a networking and knowledge sharing group of thousands of brands who collectively grow their digital knowledge base and collaborate on partner selection. Speaking 1x1 with over 1200 brands a year and hosting over 250 in-person and virtual events, he has a real time pulse on the newest trends, strategies and partners shaping growth in the digital space.

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Discussion Transcription

Aaron Conant  0:18

Happy Tuesday everybody, my name is Aaron Conant, and I'm the co founder and managing director here at BWG. Connect. We're a giant networking knowledge sharing group of brands, I kicked us off six and a half years ago out of a need that I had on the brand side to connect with other brands and hash through biggest pain points, newest trends and strategies. And so I spend the majority of my time doing that now, we'd love to talk with anybody on the line today, just shoot me an email Aaron@bwgconnect.com. And that's where we get the topics for these calls. So we stay incredibly relevant. And we're also asking everybody hear what's working for you and what's not. And that's where we get the sponsors for the for these calls, and the resident experts that we bring on. If there's any of this stuff that you missed a lot of the stuff we capture in the podcast, digital deep dive, feel free to check that out. And last couple of housekeeping items here is we're starting three to four minutes after the hour, and just you know, everybody, we're going to wrap up early as well. We're gonna give you plenty of time to get on to your next meeting without being late. The last thing is, we want this to be as educational informational as possible. If you have any questions whatsoever, drop them into the chat or drop them into the q&a section, or feel free to email them to me, Aaron@bwgconnect.com. So now that we kind of like set the stage for the conversation as a whole voice of the shopper, you know, is changing so fast is completely different than a conversation we would have had two years ago. And everything's changing so quickly that it's coming up over and over again, a lot of money's being spent customer acquisition cost. And we're trying to look at all the different angles of improving conversion, whether it's on your direct consumer side, or it's on Amazon or Walmart or other marketplaces. And so he got some great friends over at Cohley, they've been friends, partners, supporters, the network and a ton of brands in it for years now. And, and Kim's here today from the Cohley team to kind of, you know, help us go through the insights that they're seeing, they kind of sit on a cutting edge of the shopper side of things, UGC side of things. And so, Kim, I'm gonna kick it over to you, you'll do a much better job of explaining Cohley that I will feel free to jump in, you know, background and yourself and call me that'd be awesome. And then we'll kind of jump into the conversation. Sounds good. Sounds

Kim Rayburn  2:42

great. So, um, so Cohley is a content marketing platform, we really help our clients, you know, generate videos, generate photos, UGC, that is, you know, off the charts, drives, awareness drives consideration all the way through the purchase funnel. So we support them and all that we're also looking at, like the synergy between text and video reviews. So we really have a great client base, and we have a blast doing what we're doing. So thanks for having us here myself. You know, I started my career back in the day, when I was working part time, through high school and college working in retail and fell in love with not only retail, but brands. And through my career, I've had the great opportunity of running a few companies being an EC CFO, being an an insights company. And, you know, when I when I met Aaron and his team, I just, I hit it off. And I thought this is gonna be a great conversation. And let's put together some some topics that's on everyone's mind. And then let's drive the conversation unless ask some big questions. And let's see how everybody's reacting and what they have plans going into 2024. Awesome. Love it. Yeah.

Aaron Conant  3:45

So again, if you have questions along the way, drop it in the chat. Drop in the q&a or email them to me, Aaron@bwgconnect.com. Yeah, Kim, let's kick it off. This is gonna

Kim Rayburn  3:56

kick it off. Yeah. So So one of the things we've heard it from our client base recently is, you know, when you talk about PDPs, where do people land on the product pages? And so what we're going to talk about is really what do consumers want? On PDPs? Not what do the brands want to provide? But like, what do the consumers want? What are they looking for? How are they making decisions? And then how do the brands provide and how do they respond to that? The other thing we're going to go into is the whole topic that we're talking about today is voice of the shopper at lightspeed. So, as far as everything has, like, gone, three fold, five fold, everybody has to catch up. So we use this kind of dynamic UGC, the What the Why the how, how can we catch up? How can we almost get ahead not be reactive, but be proactive when we're talking about UGC and what, what consumers want. Then we're gonna get into this really great topic around the synergies of text and video reviews. And what that future role looks like. You know, we've all seen text reviews we've seen some things come out recently in the press about like You know, fake text reviews and how the retailers are going to, you know, hunker down. And they really want authenticity in this equation. They want video reviews from real people. And we're going to talk about the future role of that. The voice of the shopper is really all about, are we listening to the shopper throughout throughout their purchase journey? Do we really understand how they want that experience? Do we understand how they want to buy from brands buy from retailers. And then I thought I'd throw a little little thing in at the end is, as an ex CFO, we always worried about debits and credits and supply and demand. And I thought we'd talk about the purchase funnel and kind of compare that a little bit to supply and demand from a marketing perspective, and then kind of drive that conversation. So we all know, the big shift kind of took place during the pandemic, we had a couple of things that were impacting retail eCommerce sales, is we came out of a pandemic, people were buying from home, it went, you know, three fold, five fold, 10 fold. The other thing we had it, we had money put into the system, we had a bunch of money put into the system. And so that will take two to three years to kind of go through the system. But what happens is, they haven't changed their behavior, consumers now feel more comfortable buying online, they have they feel more comfortable taking somebody else's opinion, more than anybody else. So we had these shifts, and now we're never going back. So we have to kind of setup our organizations and setup our brands to kind of deal with this. So we call it kind of the dilemma of status quo. Didn't work to some degree. But now we have 81% of people say they prefer to watch a video, we're streaming. We're streaming shows, we're watching stuff that normally you could watch at six o'clock, we can watch it at midnight, you know, we're looking at video and streaming and everything in a different way. So now people prefer video reviews, because we say a picture says 1000 words over reading text reviews. And it's possible that it could potentially be because we really don't want to take that much time. But also, we can see somebody else we can see another consumer that's using that product, and we kind of relate to them. And we can see that. So 85% And this is from an article, I've sourced everything if people want to kind of go and look at the articles after Yes, 65%. So and then 53%, you know, is the produce videos, most successful type of content for marketing. So the game has changed, right? And now, it's not like you pitch, the pitch, everything you did, it's kind of all these things are kind of working synergistically. So I think that's what we want to kind of take out of the call and have a discussion about today's synergistically what types of things work together? We, you know, we kind of know that photos and videos kind of work together. And we know, now text and video work together. So we'll kind of discuss that a little bit. Did those numbers Aaron blow you away? A little bit? Yeah, they

Aaron Conant  8:04

do from the standpoint? I mean, I just I'm from, you know, the marketing side of there's been so much just content content content. And it's still that okay, what's on the PDP and what's on the landing page? What's on the detail page? And a lot of it is oh, well, we still imagery, but the text and yeah, I mean, video, everybody says put a video on there. But this level, and including the text, three video review over a text review just means it's at the next level. It continually evolves. I mean, I think we got here faster than it's always faster than I think it's going to be. But I think people are take a step back right now and want to think through everything it's like, I mean, it's why I love these webinars and doing it with people like you guys, where it's just like, those are huge numbers. You can't not be putting as much emphasis on videos, you're used to just on static images, right? In the five images you have on the people. Exactly,

Kim Rayburn  9:02

exactly. Wow. And so the shift is what it what a consumers really want. So, you know, you see this number, like 77% of consumers always and regularly seek out visual content from others. So we kind of trust others. It's not that we don't trust brands totally. But you know, we want to see somebody else that's using it or wearing it or a facial cream that works or whatever. So I think some of these things, you know, really, really matter. And I think we have to kind of again, keep the consumer at the center of it and say what do they really want? Well, we talked earlier about the synergy of like text and video reviews. And what we're really trying to get with consumers is we're trying to earn their trust. We're trying to get them to engage, and we're trying to increase sales. So but that trust factor, the authenticity and the trust and how you how you transition that over from a brand or retailer and earn their trust. Once you earn it. How do you keep it And so, you know, constantly feeding, you know, feeding with different videos. And as the product changes, updating things, the consumers are depending on that, because they want to have this really engaging, exciting experience. But, you know, when you keep a dynamic, you know, you keep the dynamic part of it and you keep the text in the videos, then you can kind of look at them both. If you're looking for more detailed features and functionalities on a product, you can go into the text reviews and get into the, you know, the details about how it works, how easy it was to install put together, you can look at that, but videos are so compelling, and they're so great that you can look at it and say, Oh, that I can see myself using that, or I can see myself using that facial cream or wearing that dress. So I think the synergy is something that, you know, we want everybody to take away and this isn't just us saying it, it's it's bizarre voice, it's power reviews, it's other people that are you know, really looking at this, as well as us.

Aaron Conant  10:58

So quick question jumps in. So do you is influencer marketing still relevant? Absolutely. To drive and falls into there, and I'll throw a little I'm gonna just something that comes up quite a bit. So I'm expand on that a little bit, though. There's also so yes, but from a brand side, there's apprehension, especially from executive teams within brands about influencer about UGC, when it's not on brand, and the potential implications, and so there's this, like, I say, there's always this tug of, hey, produce more content. And what the marketing team wants to do is like, okay, I can produce more content, but I, the only way I can afford it and get the volume that we need is to get UGC. But then executive teams are sometimes at the point where they're like, We don't feel comfortable with that. And they don't feel comfortable with influencer marketing, or

Kim Rayburn  11:52

Yeah, well, I think I think what we're saying is less, less trust the consumer less trust the voice of the shopper, less you use that to kind of drive, how we make those changes. I'll go into it a little bit later in the presentation. But we really we weren't, we really want to listen, we want to give them updated content. We don't want something sitting for six months, when they're in and out looking over time at a product, we want all of that fresh and dynamic. And we want to be able to listen to what they listen to what they're saying about those products as well. We want to feed that system.

Aaron Conant  12:26

Awesome. And just a quick reminder for others, you have questions, drop them in the chat or drop them in the q&a, and we'll we'll get them answered.

Kim Rayburn  12:32

So on everybody on the call, I like to kind of throw it a challenge is, you know, I always like to look at everything I buy. And I went back and I just looked at you know, current PDPs. So I go out on Amazon and I, you know, a super buyer of Folgers K cups. I was, you know using they call it vanilla Scotty and they just changed it without even asking me but they went ahead and changed it. And just said now we have French Vanilla available. So what I thought was interesting is I went and I looked at, you know, the K cups that I buy, and I went down. And if you look in the area on the left, they had videos, what I thought was most interesting is when I went to the current PDP, I went and looked at the box I buy, I normally buy like 612 packs, and I look at it and there's all these pictures of the box of the K cups. But when I clicked on a video, what I thought was most interesting is they were showing a carafe of Coffee with a pourover then didn't have any video related to the actual K cups. There was nothing about the taste, there was nothing about well, I put it with this cream or whatever. There was absolutely nothing in those videos to actually talk about the actual product, they were showing other kind of Folgers related products. So thinking to myself, I was you know, I was like, Okay, how would we change that? How would our team kind of go about changing it? What questions would we ask if we wanted to, you know, make a difference? And so I think the question that I would kind of like to pose you know, to everybody on the call is what if we inserted video reviews that represented voice of the shopper, I'm actually talking about a product that I buy obsessively and I love it. I could talk about it I could be the voice I'm the shopper. What if we actually switched out that box, that hero image box and we actually showed a consumer using the product reviewing the product talking about the product, why they love the taste of the product? Why do I want to see something else like a carrot, you know carafe of coffee being a pour over and cheesecloth or whatever, it didn't even relate to the actual product. So those questions I would like to pose it to everyone on the phone. And if we drive more video reviews, and we know there's a synergy between the text reviews and the video reviews while we invest meaning that because if you did want to ask questions or go into the features and functionality or details of the product, how many cups per box, how many in the six pack, then you could get into some of those text reviews. And understand when people you know, got them at home and they opened the box and stuff, you could get into more of those details in the text reviews, but there is a synergy to having those videos. And what if there's a day where we just land on instead of the groom until we land on that video. And it just says everything Kim wants to hear because Kim buys these products. And Kim wants to kind of have a quick 32nd 42nd coffee experience. We do know that the definition and the goal of PDPs we're supposed to build trust in that product, we're supposed to have a great experience why we're buying that product. So you know, if I had to go back to the soldiers, you know, this Folgers product, you know, the video didn't even match the product. I don't need to see six images of the box. I'm asking about the actual product, the coffee product? So I think some of the questions. You know, I'd like to pose are these? Does it represent the voice of the shopper Meachem buying it? What if we switch out the image and put a video in there? What if we do something crazy that that works and gets gets to the point and gives them a great experience? And what if we actually worry about and analyze the text in a video reviews together so that we can actually make sure that we are providing a synergy and the experience and the trust that we want to build within that PDP? Yeah, I mean, I

Aaron Conant  16:39

imagine the next level, which is they actually put the the video that's most relevant to me, for me and you for you. Yes. Because they have all the data, but then this can even be translated to a direct to consumer site. So I think there might be some restrictions on Amazon, maybe I'm wrong. On what you can put as the hero I haven't sure where you can drive people to an ad have a comment that comes in here. This is an interesting idea. I've never seen UGC type content or influencer content on Amazon. I wonder if there's a reason for it. Do they have any guidelines for what is allowed?

Kim Rayburn  17:21

So there, there are some there are some guidelines. And there are some changes that are going to be made over time. I think that if we're thinking about it, and brands and companies are and people that are in this space are thinking about it, then I think it's going to come to fruition. Yeah. You know, if video is important, and we we all believe that. And if there's synergy between video and text, I believe that we will, I think the pressure is that we will move the powers that be in these directions.

Aaron Conant  17:55

Yes, yeah, I totally agree. And I there's this kind of strollin Yeah, it needs to be this strict guidelines are in place around what is the hero image. But I also agree that that could change over time, where especially the rate at which people are consuming video as a whole? And how precise they can get. I mean, they already do it on your recommended for you on Amazon Prime video, right? Like, they already know, you, they already know what's gonna make you convert the fastest. And for some people that might actually be a static image. And for others, it might be video. Right?

Kim Rayburn  18:31

Right. But I think the whole the whole aspect of trust. Okay, is that does it convey trust? If you go in and you're looking for something specific, and you see like the box you don't see inside the box, and then you see a different product represented in a video? Right? I mean, it, I think, I think we have to put trust back in the system. And trust that, you know, when you're in there, and it could be for less than a minute that you're in there, and you have the you have the greatest experience, you have the greatest opportunity to kind of have a great shopping experience, get everything you want out of it. And then when you get the product, it's just like icing on the cake, right? It's just like, yeah, it was exactly what I looked at exactly what I saw on the video. I mean, how many times have we bought something where you just read a quick, something quick, you know, two sentences, and it's not what you not what you thought it would be? So I think there's that's why the synergy kind of, I think will balance but,

Aaron Conant  19:27

I mean, the other part is even if it's not on the hero like I think another like key takeaway is a video that that with that many people wanting to watch it, you it's almost requirement now to have an accurate video up there because even at you right, it can't be the hero images, right? But it's the first thing they're going to click on. Right exactly. And if it is just a normal brand video, I've seen those as well, where I'm on a detail page and I want to see the product and the features. I don't want to read through bullet points or practice. descriptions is Scroll, scroll scroll, I just want to watch the video. And it's all a brand video. Exactly, you just you totally lost me.

Kim Rayburn  20:09

Or we go down two or three pages, and then there's, you know, the carousel at the bottom, you know, it's this, I think we're talking about today that this stuff is going to change, it's going to change very fast. And we, you know, we really want to put a bug in everybody's here. Because if we're thinking about it, and our clients are asking about us last week, I talked to somebody and they were just like, this will be great. And I'm like, Well, we're thinking is great, then let's do it, you know, but I think this is where it's going. And I think we're, we're positioning to go in this direction, because it's what the consumer wants. And I think we really have to kind of stay on top of what they want. 100% Yeah. So this is just to point out, you know, when when people were researching, you know, in store purchases online, I think price is always a consideration, especially in an inflationary kind of time that we've been in for a while, and ratings and reviews still are very important. But the synergistic part of it with the text, and the video reviews are highly, highly important. So we want to, we want to keep those two in mind, there's a physical dimension to when we buy and there's an online dimension, sometimes we search in one and bind the other and vice versa. So I think we just kind of have to keep those things at the forefront. But the considerations when making purchase decisions is ratings and reviews, they will take a different form, I think they're gonna go from text and sent and be synergistic with text and video and photos and videos, I mean content and UGC is at the forefront, it is the, you know, it is it is the fuel for the for the for the marketing tank. It is it is what and so the question is, do we do it once a year, once every six months, or do we make it more dynamic, more real time. So if the consumers dynamic, and if they're in real time, and they're buying and buying and connecting with us and all of that, we have to we kind of have to get to one step ahead of them. And we have to kind of have the systems be more dynamic. So, UGC should be dynamic, we should be updating it more frequently. And the other thing is, we will never, you know, I had a great opportunity to work at the company that invented net promoter score, and set metrics and recommendations from friends and family is still extremely important in the purchase in the purchase decisions that we make. So, you know, we do trust when you know, somebody at work taps you on the shoulder and says, Man, I, you know, I tried this, it was off the charts, you're like, Okay, you just, you know, you're sitting there, boom, he bought it, send it to your house within, you know, two minutes time. So those are the top three things that are really kind of driving those pieces. But I think these things will morph a little bit. You know, the ratings and reviews based on more text and video, the photos and videos were more from updating when we once or twice a year, or even a little more to more dynamic, more real time because now we have the horsepower, the software, and you know, AI driving some of these feedback loops for us in order to make changes. But the recommendations from friends, friends, family, and also colleagues at work really, really matter.

Aaron Conant  23:18

I mean, if you're going the influencer route and UGC, for creating text reviews, it basically combines the top three all together, what's your feeling like on? Like, over the next year? Hey, how many people are gonna have to have? Like, what's the impact for people who don't go with video reviews?

Kim Rayburn  23:43

And just tend to stay with text reviews?

Aaron Conant  23:45

Yeah, like, how long do people have before? This is? Or is this already fully in effect, where you're seeing it actively today? Because it's another thing. Right, right. I mean,

Kim Rayburn  23:55

yeah, we're, we're primed from, from people, companies that I've spoken to personally and some of the clients that we've spoken to, I think, we're, I want to say where to early stage but like early, how is what is early mean when things are going, you know, lightspeed. So, I think going into next year, it has to be on a priority list. Okay, so if you're dabbling in it, really dabble in it, and turn turn the burners up to get both of them working in conjunction? So I think it's really important.

Aaron Conant  24:34

Yeah, I mean, it's also on the side of, you know, consumers in the most, in most instances are used to just leave in a written review. Are you seeing that as a shift to or are are you thinking more of a standpoint of, hey, there's ratings and reviews programs, you know, like Vine with you know, I'm old school with Amazon and the old vine program. But you know, are you are you see And then like platforms to generate these that are, you know, easily tied in to Amazon, or I mean, anything could be tied to your consumer site. Are you seeing that that is going to explode? Because I mean, at the end of the day, that's what people want, right is to encourage an accurate, right and well done review in video, which is just unique to come

Kim Rayburn  25:23

across. Yeah, I think we have to get we have to leave. My recommendations would be to leave some of the doors open, allow them to post photos, allow them to do texture reviews, allow them to provide video reviews and leave some of those doors open. And then let the consumer let the shopper call the shots and let them with the feedback that we received with those feedback loops. Let them prioritize because they might change in the spring to summer. And if you have those listening posts open, and you have the prioritization, let them let them drive, how you kind of pivot.

Aaron Conant  26:00

Awesome. Yeah, they see Jackie, actually, Jackie writes in here actually, like what Amazon is doing with AI generate reviews summaries,

Kim Rayburn  26:07

right, the super helpful for cost. Yes. Yeah, super helpful. So I guess the question is, where should you place your bets? Where should investments go? Definitely, you know, this, this is just a chart showing, you know, product marketing promotion. So still talking about the product. Consumer Driven content, photos, people want to see other people. Storytelling, doing videos, checks, reviews, shooting a quick photo. They love you know, what I've seen in in my background and research and insights is that we get we get the I call it the outliers, we get the super happy and the super upset. The hardest part is to get in the middle, we want to hear from you know, the people in the middle as well. If we give them different types of outlets to kind of shoot a video, do a video review, do a text review, get those working together, update, Papa photos, show the installation show that opening the box, we want to give them opportunities. And then as a brand, or as a retailer, we want to be able to review that information. And so voice of the shopper, it really is now It shoots through the entire path to purchase. So we want to give them through each, each part of that we want to kind of keep our ears open and listen to what they're telling us. And when they're first learning about a brand or brand launches, it's going to be different, how they talk to us after they might have experienced the brand for a couple years. So we want to again, keep keep that path to purchase and keep that voice open. And what that voice gives us throughout the throughout the journey is, you know, trust. Consumers want to see that it's authentic. And they want to see that it's interactive. I mean, you just think of everybody that's on with us today how your lives have changed just in the last year or two. Just interact with interaction, and digital and you know how quick we are, and how fast we are to get what we want and and talk about what we're using or what we love or what we're mad at. And so we want to be able to keep that voice to the shopper throughout the whole thing. And the way to do it is to ask questions along the way, leave some of the doors open so that they can let us know where things are working and not working. And then we have the opportunity to measure the impact on sales, but also to take that feedback and kind of pull it back in as we are actually making changes or dynamically changing either the content or you know, updating the reviews, those things will take priority, and those things will shift over time. But we want to keep we want to keep that voice of the shopper throughout the whole process. So I thought it'd be fun. You know, Aaron, when we spoke, it was like, you know, I look at I look at systems and I look at like the supply of the system and the demand of the system. And so shoppers, they create demand, if they did not create demand, companies wouldn't have, they wouldn't have to supply any products. So we have to really keep our eyes on what they're demanding. So they're watching videos because they demand it. Right. They want to be convinced to purchase something, they demand it. They want to have an exceptional experience. They demand it. And you know, we ask ourselves every day. When does it become normal table stakes? And how can we even ratchet it up one little bit more to kind of knock their socks off? Because once they get used to it and they'll get used to it quicker? Then, you know we have to figure out a way how to knock their socks off. Going right now, maybe the dynamic part of it, maybe listening to them, maybe updating it and, and making changes dynamically based on what they're telling us. But I think the website, you know, we need to understand what they want. And we need to basically have something in place where these reviews are embedded in the website so that people can kind of instead of going in three different directions, we want them to be able to learn, review things and buy in one place, we have to keep in mind that what they're demanding is make it simple. Put me in a trusted environment. I liked the interactivity and the newness. So knock my socks off. And so I think, I think the challenge is, we have to kind of keep up with them with the shoppers, but we have to, you know, the question is, how do we surpass them? How do we give them that little, that little extra edge? And maybe the dynamic and the real time, part of it, we believe is is kind of the way to go? You know,

Aaron Conant  31:03

I'd see that. And I like it from the direct to consumer side, right? Because there's, you know, a lot of comments around from the Amazon side, which we can, we can we can, you know, give them feedback, and they can, they're going to make their own adjustments on the back end to help with conversion, but on our own direct to consumer side, we need to control where they land, and we get to control what's the first thing they see. And, you know, you're ready, we're at a point now, where the technology is finally fast enough, it's good enough that you can start putting some really cool personalization tools in there. And the reality is, is they, they I mean, all the data shows, they're demanding videos, that's what they want. And you're right, you're at a point now where there's not enough of it out there. So they don't know, they want it, but a nobody else is giving it to them. So you're just fine. With that, though, I think you could have some huge incremental wins as a whole. If you're adapting and testing and learning on this early on. Then yeah, I mean, there's great comment that comes in here, you know, if you actually have by with prime, then you can actually pull in Amazon, you know, product reviews, from those pages, again, get into the review site, it would be really nice if the video reviews launched on Amazon and getting can be pulled in as well. But again, it's the video side of things that I think is, is the game changing piece here. That I think everybody, a lot of cases the marketers don't want, they know what's out there, they realize it, but it's also one more thing for them to go tackle to help with conversion rate as a whole.

Kim Rayburn  32:41

Yeah, yeah. And and at the speed, you know, because the speed, you know, so I think I think the question for everybody, you know, just to, you know, ask everybody on on with us today is, you know, ask yourself did the VDPs that you represent in the websites build trust? Do they answer questions? Do they help shoppers purchase quickly and provide, you know, the most exceptional experience? Or do they get in there? You know, and they're trying to look for a review, or they're trying to look for a video or they're trying to look for information, just like my Folgers example. You know, I went there I was, you know, after buying the product, I was kind of let down in it. It made an impression on me. And I was just like, Hmm, maybe they got lazy with me. And maybe they're not doing what they should do, I'd like to see them do something different. So these, these are the things because that's what that's what they expect. So these PDPs and that I actually trust when I go there. Love it. Yep. So one of the things too, I think that's changed a little bit after the pandemic was you know, when you're launching a brand or you're out there you're trying to build awareness so you know, when you're doing a product launch or you're launching a brand, you know, you're building awareness but the funnel has become a little more I think it's become different because now you know, we all we all used to talk about the information part of it the inform part, and consideration what we're trying to do is we're trying to get them to not only be aware, but consider, you know, this brand this product in consideration and the consideration set to we're also trying to say we're trying to go so you know, Aaron, if you were like, didn't buy Folgers, but I'm trying to get you to buy Folgers, I'd like you to change off the coffee you're doing so I'd like to kind of appeal to you to get you to put a brand that I'm trying to market and sell to you. I'm trying to get you to put that and trade off of what you're doing and get that in the consideration set. But I do believe that I pulled this up because you know, the informed part of it. Is that are we doing our job? From an from an In foreign part, through text reviews, through video reviews through UGC, through the content, to really drive that, to make you not only be aware, but to change the consideration that you have about that brand and try to get you off of another brand. And pull you away from a competitor. How many? How many marketing meetings? Have you been in Aaron, where, you know, you're trying, you're trying to talk about how do we get people to trade onto our brand? Or how we, you know, right, still share, right? Yeah. Yeah, and

Aaron Conant  35:31

that was the private label side, right. So we're trying to get shared from national brand, every day, all day, every day, every

Kim Rayburn  35:37

day, all day. So you know, these are the things that you kind of think about, because once you hit that, like, beautiful part where they're highly loyal, and they kind of buy you blindfolded, because they just have a great experience, they trust you, they love your product, and you're just boom, boom, boom. But then it's when you try something new. You get them quickly from awareness. So content is that, you know, content is that wonderful thing that drives it content, through videos, through reviews, through photos, it gets you through awareness, it gets you through the funnel into consideration, and, and you're sitting there and you get all the answers you want, so that you get the check, you know, 100%, on the informed part where you're driving it. So I wanted to take it, I wanted to have what I call a shake up discussion with everybody on the phone today, because the other side of demand is supply. And so supply chains, when you see when you see marketing, or you see reviews, or photos, whether it's text review videos, photos, you know, content, supply chains that we represent, they need food, they need a source. So videos and photos and reviews are that food for this system. And this system uses the voice of the shopper from the intelligence that you gain. And then so my challenge to everybody on with us today is do you have you created a great video? Photo supply chain? is a dynamic? Is every decision you make within your supply chain driven by the voice of the shopper? Have you listened to the shopper enough to say I know the priorities? I know 1234 And five. So that's the challenge going into 2024 You should know what's in your supply chain. You should listen to the consumer have the prioritization from the intelligence that you're gaining from the voice of the shopper. And you should absolutely 100% know that supply chain know what that food is how many times you have to update that because that is the fuel and the food for this system. I've lived standpoint, I looked really quick. I just I love this. Because you can reuse it if you'd like. Yeah, I mean, because

Aaron Conant  37:59

it does speak internally to a lot of people within organizations don't really understand what's taking place, right? They think video shoot, you do it once a year, twice a year. And with a supply chain, it never stops. Right? We're always sourcing more bottles, more caps, more ingredients, whatever it might be, right? We're always sourcing more stuff, the supply chain doesn't stop. And it's always going. And we're also always vetting now, new potential suppliers, and testing and learning what works and is it less expensive? Is it more expensive? Is it more higher quality, less quality, what works and what doesn't. And so many times I think everything is taking place within marketer, the marketers digital marketers world right now is so complex that people internally don't understand it, and this breaks it down. But we have here with content with video with reviews with you know, static imagery. We've got a supply chain and some of it comes internally. Some of it comes externally through UGC some of it comes through partners then it all feeds in but we have multiple supply sources for then what we need to use now is a brand it didn't used to be that way right? You got the product, you got images, you put it in a magazine. Well now it needs to be 360 rotated it needs to have all the ratings, you know all the reviews, it's got to have everything contextual. It's got to be personalized for the person who's looking at it. It's just so much more complicated. And I really really I think this is a fantastic way to look at it. Lou writes in here Kim has given us all look into the future you know the PDP has been basically the same with some minor tweaks since I started selling on Amazon in 2009. This is right for complete disruption coming very soon I suspect and great discussion thank you for sharing this incredible perspective. And then quality rights yeah, thanks for your awesome is she referencing that voice of customer should drive the support I forecast How To Video Intelligence alter your supply chain. Please explain further. Oh, yeah, I think it was just a different way of viewing it not necessarily that has a direct link to increase in supply, although the higher conversion rate at the end of this funnel, right, it could in retrospect, but I mean it maybe I'm wrong here. But I was to completely take into like, this is a different way that people need to be looking at the content that they're bringing in. It's not half acid, right? And I think everybody's like, yeah, it's not haphazard, I have a lot of rules, I have a lot of paths. Well, if I can formalize it and put it into like, Hey, everybody, here's our content generation or review generation, you know, whatever it might be. Video, here's our different supply chains for getting the content, we need to sell product like we've never sold

Kim Rayburn  40:47

it before. Right? And how many, how many times do we have a marketing meeting that is about supply chain? I asked that last week, to a global head of eCommerce, I said, When was your last supply chain discussion. And there was just dead silence for about 10 seconds on the phone? And he said, wow. And I said, Well, that's where we're going. You are in the business of supplying? Who are your providers? Yeah, you if you're the CMO, you own a supply chain. If you're the VP of marketing, you own that supply chain. If you're in brand, you own that supply chain. So we're just we're just saying is use the intelligence to feed that system. The other thing number two, it needs to be dynamic in real time. So real time can be if the consumer is staying updated every quarter, listen to the consumer, if they want fresh content, if they want fresh reviews, I mean, we know a review is kind of stale after 90 days. That's just a good rule of thumb. So we kind of know what the timelines are on this. So let's let's just think about this in a little bit different way. The other part, the middle of this pyramid is the display and the present part of it the shoppable part of it. I went to a retailer two weeks ago, and I was trying to buy a dress, there were three pop ups. And by the time I got to the category, I'm like two or three minutes in, I literally lost my patience. Because the experience was so dated and everything and I just emailed you know someone and said, We really need to talk with you, because this is not how it's supposed to be. It should be. I'm in there, I you know, filter colors, I filter in a boom. So we just have to ask ourselves, the shoppable display the presentation, the shoppable part of it by now reviews, we should be able to chat within those. That's kind of where we're going. That's where we're at. And then the Video Intelligence or the insights intelligence, it will it will prioritize, prioritize itself. But that review and analyzing the voice of the shopper that should alter our supply chain by the intelligence that we gather, and that we go back and feed the system and update the system. Yeah, but but their websites, Aaron, you brought up direct to consumer, I think we have to keep in mind, I put a little note here, everyone's website on today should be the backbone of this strategy and this system, the supply chain discussion. That should be the backbone, the supportive foundational backbone for the strategy and for the system that we create. But we shouldn't think about it just like a photo or a video, we should think about it as a system that we operate in. And the marketers own that supply chain. And the marketers and the insights team own that intelligence and working together to update those systems dynamically for the shopper.

Love it. So a couple questions. Well, I'm going to combine them because they're similar. It's about impact of conversion and sales, lift of video reviews. So one is around ROI and KPIs which then I think is conversion and lift. And the other one is do Video TEXT reviews impact conversion and sales lift.

Yes. And there's a way there's a way to analyze that through through the platform and through the applications. Yep, awesome question.

Aaron Conant  44:28

Yeah. If there's other questions or comments, feel free to drop them in the chat or the q&a. We'll keep tackling them at home. You know, from your experience, do all products need a video or only novel or tech products?

Kim Rayburn  44:42

Well, you know, if you're thinking about there's been, you know, in my career, I've done text reviews and I do believe even in certain food products like a video like when you're some people think well if it's food or whatever, they don't need a video. Well, if you're preparing in food, and you want to know how to, you know, drive a sale is teaching somebody how to do something different with with the product with the food product. So that video review, along with that text review or photo, I think is invaluable. So I think they're both. They're both incredibly important. Awesome.

Aaron Conant  45:19

The other questions, were bringing video reviews and the PDP lead to new display platforms for text reviews, you know, where is it going?

Kim Rayburn  45:33

I think it's shaking up. And I think people are thinking about how to put it together and present it. So I do think it's, I think we're somewhat early in the fact that we're bringing all these together. But if there's companies that have platforms, like for content and others, like we do, I think that this, this has been driven, and I think we'll see those changes as we go into 2024,

Aaron Conant  45:57

I can totally see an AI, you know, person generated person. Yeah. Like reading this, they're giving a voice to a text review, I can see that, I can totally see that, especially in a year from now, or it's going to be hard to tell year and a half between AI generated video, you know, a human in it and a non human and, you know, you know, an avatar will say, Yeah, I can see that happening.

Kim Rayburn  46:33

And but I mean, look at how long we look at how long we had all this software that did consumer setup, you know, that was doing word, you know, word clouds and word count and all those other things, we we've kind of passed that now we're going to the next level of you know, when we bring these two things together, but I do think the we have to keep focused on the trust element and on the authenticity. So as we go into the AI world as people trust, and as things are more authentic, and as it's documented, I think I think we just kind of have to keep listening to the consumer. And as they get more comfortable with certain situations and certain systems. And then we'll be more comfortable with those systems, brands and retailers will be more comfortable with those systems.

Aaron Conant  47:14

Right. Next question is, so does the Cohley platform helped generate video reviews?

Kim Rayburn  47:20

Yes. Are in French wait for in Spanish? See? Aaron told me I got one ordinary moment. So that was it. That was it? Yeah, no, I

Aaron Conant  47:35

think that's, I mean, this has been great. Because what we really we'd love is, is actually, a lot of parties are breaking on there. There. There aren't sales pitches. So sometimes we get in and people are like, wait a minute, do they do this? They are they? Are they just UGC. Is it an influencer? Platform? You know, because then we never question and maybe I'll kick it over to you to kind of address that because, you know, some questions that are popping in here. But how do you deal with influencers? who are influencers who just want free stuff in exchange for content, even though their brand doesn't have anything to do with your brand?

Kim Rayburn  48:09

Well, you can have, you know, when you're thinking about launching a brand, too, and you have people who will, I mean, think about it, when we're asking someone to do something, we have to pay them pay them for the time, even in certain reviews, right? If they're if they're reviewing, like, you know, four pieces of kitchen appliances and stuff, and they're doing an install, and they're, you know, learning how to use each product, they may spend six to eight hours. The question is, how much do you compensate someone to actually take care of some of those tasks? Or if we're asking them to answer questions along the way, so that we can actually get those, you know, tidbits, I think we have to take those case by case. And understand kind of what we're providing and what we're asking the shopper to do as well in the equation. Awesome. Z, this was just

Aaron Conant  48:59

rolling a Do you see retail networks driving vendors to create video reviews on their PDPs?

Kim Rayburn  49:07

Yes, yes, yes, absolutely. I mean, I do think that, you know, you always ask the question, are the retailers ahead or the brands ahead, or the brands trying to push up in the retailer, you know, there's always that balance. And I think that's why we want to, you know, take the stand that we kind of want to help, you know, brands our clients work with in the retail, you know, work with retailers to kind of drive innovation and drive change, and vice versa. So, I think it's going to, I think, I think 2024 is going to be we thought 2020 was shaking things up. I think we're gonna see some incredible shake up and some really great stuff as we go into 2024 because I hear and you brought up some great stuff, how AI takes the play, how things become more dynamic, how to teams make better decisions, but I think if if you know, we know there's some fragmentation and marketing teams because Somebody's handling ecom, somebody's hand handling agency, somebody's handling something different. I think it'd be great to just get like, I made a recommendation to a global head of econ last week, get everybody in a room and talk about your supply chain. That's one thing that could bring you all together, is talking about your supply chain, your videos, or photos or reviews, and how much you want to change them and how you represent yourself. And how you look on your PDPs. And he was like, Okay, it's a good have to have those meetings, right? Just have that meeting, and then tell me how it went, you know. And so I think 2024 We're going to see some amazing stuff. And it's going to be like, like we said, you know, on the on the presentation today, it's going to be at lightspeed. And I think that there's everybody on the on the phone today, and yourself, Aaron and your organization, you know, you guys are so innovative. And this is why we want to have these kind of conversations is we want to push, push the systems to be better. And we want to be there for the consumer, and we want to push innovation and we want to make things easier for them. For the consumer for the shopper. Awesome. Yes, me chills. I just said it on the phone today.

Aaron Conant  51:12

No, I this slide here is that there's those moments where it like kind of completely shifts how you view what you how you've been thinking about it, because the supply chain piece, and Jessica writes in love this webinars so much. So informative. Thank you.

Kim Rayburn  51:28

Thank you, thank you, we're honored.

Aaron Conant  51:31

But when you're creating that, because you're talking about supply chain, it is listening to the voice of the consumer, what do they want? Right? It is, what do we need to provide right now. And you know, obviously, a supply chain, you're creating something that you're not going to get to the end consumer for a long time. And whether that's a traditional supply chain, or this supply chain we're talking about? So then what do we need to be thinking about for next quarter, you know, next year, around the content that the consumer is currently demanding that we need to produce for them? And then work back into Okay, if that's those, that's the type of content they want? Okay, who how are we going to get all of that? How are we going to source it? And how much can we do internally? And how much do we need to get external? And how we go to the partners we need to find?

Kim Rayburn  52:20

Right? And, and how do we how do we, you know, turn it on and put the system in a platform that makes it easy for us that we can do this even in a more automated way and go faster? Just

Aaron Conant  52:31

Cohley do content creation? Is the next question. Do you want to give a quick overview of the Cohley platform? Like, that would be awesome, because I think like that's probably in a lot of people's. What I love about Cohley as a team is your jumping on. It's just thought, knowledge sharing as a whole. And there was there's no sales pitch, but I don't mind you like telling people because I think a lot of people are like, this is incredible. Who are these people? I know.

Kim Rayburn  52:59

I mean, think of it like, you know, this incredible, amazing group of people. But this amazing platform that allows creators and reviewers to get in and help brands launch, create videos and photos, and create, create stuff that's going to launch brands, drive brands, and on a on a platform so that we can see everything they're doing and answer all the questions and all the things that we've talked about, you know, giving the voice having access to the shopper listening to the shopper, we do that as we're creating all of this incredible UGC, for consumer brands, as we have that in the platform that listen to those listening posts the questions in there, we can, you know, have these consumers, these creators or reviewers go in and kind of respond and want to help help give information and help take photos or do videos about certain products. And it's all within the platform so that the teams could get in there and access whatever they want. So it is a marketing platform that can can connect and drive this type of supply chain for brands. Awesome. Yeah. And there's really, really cool people at the company that are really, really fun. And they're really, really smart about this and they have a blast doing what we do. We love what you know, we love doing what we do, because we're helping brands sell more stuff, to the right to consumers that want to buy their stuff. And that, you know, whenever you're able to help help a shopper find what they want, buy something and get tickled about buying it. Then you know you're on the right business. Yeah. Awesome.

Aaron Conant  54:35

We are right at time here. I told her Oh, thank you for 230 Eastern so they can get to the next meeting without being late. But Kim, thanks so much.

Kim Rayburn  54:43

Thank you, everybody. On, Aaron, thanks to you and your team. You guys are amazing. I just was so honored to be on today and thank you for everybody for taking their time today. You know, everybody Akali says thank you and myself so I'm honored. Thank you so much. Ready, have a wonderful rest of the day? Yeah,

Aaron Conant  55:01

ready, take care. Stay safe. I look forward to having you at a future event. Thanks again. Thank you. Cheers.

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