Strategic Automation of Your Amazon Business With Justin Leigh

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Strategic Automation of Your Amazon Business With Justin Leigh

Justin Leigh

Justin Leigh is the CEO of Workflow Labs, an automation software for eCommerce management. Before founding Workflow Labs, he was the Founder and CEO of Ideoclick, an online marketing services company. Justin began his career as a Product Manager at Amazon and a Senior Product Manager at Microsoft.


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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • [3:51] The rising costs of operating an eCommerce business and its impact on profitability
  • [9:01] Amazon’s evolving strategies that are impacting sales
  • [15:46] How AI-driven automation helps manage catalog updates, content, and compliance
  • [21:19] Efficiency tools brands should implement into their eCommerce sites
  • [24:53] Justin Leigh shares how Amazon’s review system has altered customer trust and brand perception
  • [29:43] Future trends in eCommerce and the importance of tech-driven efficiency

In this episode…

With Amazon updating its platform regularly and operational costs rising, brands struggle to maintain profitability. Where should brands focus their efforts to achieve sustainable growth?

According to eCommerce entrepreneur Justin Leigh, brands spend too much time focusing on mundane tasks like catalog and content updates. This prevents them from strategizing customer engagement efforts and adapting to trends and platform changes. Justin recommends leveraging AI-driven automation tools to identify and correct site inefficiencies, monitor sales and pricing, and maintain compliance. 

In today’s episode of The Digital Deep Dive, Aaron Conant hosts Justin Leigh, the CEO of Workflow Labs, to discuss automating your Amazon business. Justin shares how Amazon’s new review system has eroded customer trust, the platform’s algorithmic changes that have impacted sales, and his recommended automation tools.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Quotable Moments:

  • "Can you grow a profitable business online? A lot of folks are starting to ask themselves that question."
  • "The profitability of these businesses mattered. You know, this business segment became a big enough channel."
  • "If you can't manage and grow this segment profitably, you haven't accomplished very much as a brand."
  • "eCommerce and Amazon shifted the cost of managing your products onto the brands and manufacturers."
  • "The cost of sales just has to come down while getting better in terms of accuracy and efficiency."

Action Steps:

  1. Reevaluate your tech stack: It's crucial to regularly assess the tools and platforms you're using to ensure they provide maximum value and align with current business objectives.
  2. Automate mundane tasks: By leveraging automation for daily operations like catalog management and content updates, businesses can reduce costs and redirect human efforts toward strategic growth opportunities.
  3. Focus on foundational eCommerce tasks: Maintaining a strong operational foundation ensures your products are accurately represented and available, which is essential before implementing more complex strategies.
  4. Invest in strategic agency partnerships: Agencies can provide valuable insights and support that in-house teams may lack, especially under staffing constraints.
  5. Prioritize customer engagement and brand trust: Building a strong brand connection with customers can mitigate the overreliance on ratings and reviews, which can be misleading or manipulated.

About BWG Connect...

BWG Connect provides executive strategy and networking sessions that help brands from any industry with their overall business planning and execution. We network and knowledge share together to better understand and adapt to the newest trends, strategies, and pain points shaping growth in the digital space. BWG Connect, in conjunction with BWG Strategy, has built an exclusive network of 125,000+ senior professionals and hosts over 2,000 virtual and in-person networking events on an annual basis.

In addition, we have had 1x1 conversations with over 5,000 brands and have a real-time pulse on what digital strategies are successful and why. This in-depth knowledge allows our team to operate on the cutting-edge and provide our clients with best-in-class guidance on how to win in the digital world. We have provided free consultations and strategy sessions for companies of all sizes, from start-ups to Fortune-100, to enable growth, resolve issues and make curated service provider introductions that can impact your digital footprint.

We have held to the philosophy of providing high-level insights and actionable knowledge with no sales pitches in order to provide to our network the ability to listen, learn and act to improve themselves as well as their organizations. Our ultimate goal is to be the resource out there to help digital executives find the research they need to excel in the modern marketplace.

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What is BWG Connect?

BWG Connect provides executive strategy & networking sessions that help brands from any industry with their overall business planning and execution. BWG has built an exclusive network of 125,000+ senior professionals and hosts over 2,000 virtual and in-person networking events on an annual basis.
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