The Power of Amazon Streaming TV Ads With Adam Epstein

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The Power of Amazon Streaming TV Ads With Adam Epstein

Adam Epstein

Adam Epstein is the Co-founder and CEO of Gigi, which helps brands and agencies buy and measure Amazon Streaming TV ads. As a technology entrepreneur and executive, he has experience in SaaS, business and corporate development, sales, operations, strategy, partnerships, and product management. Before Gigi, Adam was the Co-president and VP of Growth at Perpetua, a growth infrastructure software for eCommerce. 

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • [1:10] Adam Epstein’s career background from Perpetua to Gigi — and the evolution of Amazon ads
  • [8:55] The rise of Amazon Streaming TV ads
  • [15:04] How to incorporate streaming TV into your Amazon ad strategy
  • [22:29] Budget allocations for Amazon Streaming TV ads
  • [25:21] Will streaming TV ads become table stakes?
  • [32:59] Key opportunities in the streaming TV ads space
  • [40:54] What Amazon’s partnership with major publishers means for brands

In this episode…

The Amazon advertising space is evolving constantly, with budgets for on-site sponsored ads plateauing. Streaming TV has emerged as a profitable advertising channel integrated with Amazon Marketing Cloud. With streaming TV still in its infancy, how can you evaluate if it’s right for your business, and how can you incorporate it into your existing Amazon ads strategy?

As a pioneer of Amazon Streaming TV ads, Adam Epstein has advised brands and agencies on this imminent channel, emphasizing that it’s not for everyone. Smaller brands that invest less than $250,000 a month on sponsored ads should consider investing more to build awareness before diversifying to streaming TV. For brands that have exhausted their sponsored ads spend, Adam suggests investing 10% of their total Amazon ad budget into streaming TV to generate a broader reach. Once you’ve obtained exposure on streaming TV, you can allocate your budget evenly across all Amazon ad channels and even leverage Amazon’s partnerships with other streaming platforms like Disney+ and Hulu. 

In today’s episode of The Digital Deep Dive, Aaron Conant chats with Adam Epstein, the Co-founder and CEO of Gigi, about the emerging potential of Amazon Streaming TV ads. Adam talks about its seamless integration into other Amazon advertising channels, its potential to become table stakes for brands, and how to leverage its profitable opportunities. 

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Quotable Moments:

  • "The growth wasn't necessarily in sponsored ads, but certainly starting to manifest itself at the top of the funnel through Amazon Streaming TV ads."
  • "If you're not using the full suite of Amazon Marketing Cloud to effectively measure your streaming TV campaigns, you're really flying blind."
  • "Amazon has built a host of tools for people to use, but the incumbent out-of-the-box means of collaborating first-party data with Amazon are a little challenging."
  • "You're able to capture sales both on Amazon and your DTC channel, giving you unprecedented measurement capabilities."
  • "The time is now; there's still early days. There are massive opportunities for brands that are investing in this right now."

Action Steps:

  1. Evaluate your current Amazon sponsored ads and DSP strategies to determine if they're plateauing, and then consider investing in streaming TV ads to drive new brand interest: This step ensures you don’t leave growth opportunities on the table by sticking to stale, underperforming tactics.
  2. Allocate at least 10% of your total Amazon ad spend toward streaming TV ads if your budget exceeds $250,000 a month across Amazon channels: This percentage is significant enough to make an impact without being overly risky, optimizing your potential ROI.
  3. Integrate both Amazon and DTC sales data to create richer audiences and more precise targeting for your streaming TV ads: Combining data sources enhances your understanding of customer behavior across channels, maximizing the relevance and effectiveness of your ads.
  4. Reallocate your traditional TV and awareness budgets to Amazon Streaming TV ads in proportion to where your sales originate: This strategy ensures you invest in advertising channels that contribute the most to your bottom line, making every dollar count.
  5. Stay informed of the rapidly evolving opportunities within Amazon's ad landscape, including advertising on platforms like Netflix through DSP partnerships: Keeping abreast of new developments allows you to leverage additional high-value inventory and remain competitive in capturing audience attention.

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BWG Connect provides executive strategy and networking sessions that help brands from any industry with their overall business planning and execution. We network and knowledge share together to better understand and adapt to the newest trends, strategies, and pain points shaping growth in the digital space. BWG Connect, in conjunction with BWG Strategy, has built an exclusive network of 125,000+ senior professionals and hosts over 2,000 virtual and in-person networking events on an annual basis.

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What is BWG Connect?

BWG Connect provides executive strategy & networking sessions that help brands from any industry with their overall business planning and execution. BWG has built an exclusive network of 125,000+ senior professionals and hosts over 2,000 virtual and in-person networking events on an annual basis.
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